About Us
Lymbo Clothing was created in Austin Texas by two young neighborhood friends who wanted to create a platform for expression and love for art, music, and nature. It was a way that we could share our art work with the world and obtain some resources in order to do good for others. As things began to unfold and we started dealing with the limitations of screen printing companies we got fed up and decided to take the printing into our own hands, so with a little bit of research and some patience my buddy and I burned our first screen at his grandmother’s house and were printing our first design by the end of the day. The “Do it yourself” mentality became the back bone of our company and still is today. At first we pretty much had to give the shirts away at places like ACL, Barton Creek Greenbelt, and Parties but soon as people began to recognize the designs there became a demand for the shirts leading us to dive deeper into retail by creating an online store and pop up shops as venues for our custom hand screen printed clothing.
10 years later, our clothing remains native to Austin and still hand printed. Only now, Lymbo Clothing retails in 15+ different businesses in Austin with imminent plans to expand to other cities in Texas and other states across the southern United States. Our inherent vision of premium local clothing fuels our business model. We intend to not simply grow our business, but fulfill our initial dream of bettering young lives through play, and in the meantime better our consumers’ lives through beautiful hand-printed clothing. Lymbo stands for “Let Your Mind Be Open” and this is the epitome of our brand; our clothing represents a lifestyle and mindset, which our customers literally and figuratively feel good wearing.
Thank you for supporting us and remember to always Let Your Mind Be Open.
Love, Lymbo